MPark Stage 3 & 4

Macquarie Park, NSW MPark Stage 3 & 4

ADCO’s largest project to date, MPark Stage 3 & 4 project comprises of:

Stage 3 – Building C: A PCA A Grade 6-storey commercial tower with three basement levels, predominantly for car parking, and features key views over Lane Cove National Park and the central park. An Agreement for Lease (AFL) has been executed with Johnson & Johnson who are the anchor tenant, leasing the entire building. ADCO will also deliver an integrated fit out package for Johnson & Johnson in conjunction with the main works.

Stage 4 – Building D and the Park: A PCA A Grade 7-storey commercial tower with four basement levels. There will be an internal connecting road link to the rear of Building D between the two private roads designed to service Buildings A and Building C.
At 2,760m², “The Park” is the centre piece of the MPark precinct and is designed to encourage social interaction and be a place for activities, wellness and relaxation for tenants and the wider Macquarie Park community. The Park connects Buildings A, C and D and ensures that the workspace of these Buildings extends to the Park

MPark Stage 3 & 4 will achieve 6 Star Green Star, meeting high-performance sustainability targets benefiting the efficiency of the building throughout its life cycle with a value engineered option to achieve 5-star if requested by Stockland.

  • Type

    Design & Construct

  • Value

    $185 million

  • Duration

    26 months