Melaleuca Women’s Remand & Reintegration Facility

Hakea, WA

Hakea, WA Melaleuca Women’s Remand & Reintegration Facility

ADCO delivered the fast-track construction of a new women’s remand and reintegration facility at Hakea, WA within the walls of a live prison.

Works incorporated six separate buildings, including a new gatehouse with sallyport. Works also involved the demolition of part of the boundary wall, the first time this has happened in an operational prison in Western Australia.

The project also included the installation of a complete security system controlled through a standalone central control room, and existing prison security systems were upgraded.

  • type

    design & construct

  • value

    $11 million

  • period

    8 months

With security being a priority, strict protocols and procedures for identity checks, daily activities and works methodologies had to be adhered to at all times.