ADCO Donates Laptops to Those in Need
In QLD, ADCO gave laptops to The Salvation Army’s women’s crisis accommodation, Still Waters, to enable women better tools to work and study. Other laptops were also given to the Salvo’s staff operations. ADCO’s Tom Hill on hand to pass them on to Still Waters manager Mona Neilson and head of Salvo’s Fundraising and PR, Rowan Johnstone.
In NSW, ADCO’s CFO Gareth Adams and CIO Doug Zuzic donated laptops to East Timor students. They were received by Richard Larkins, coordinator of the Letefoho East Timor Support (LETS) laptop program, which distributes computers to highschoolers in the district of Letefoho — a very remote, high altitude region in the centre of Timor. The gift will not only benefit the students, but the wider community, who are learning how to utilise the technology thanks to East Timorese volunteers.
“ADCO is proud to be a company that is compassionate to those in need, both in and outside Australia. We look to help where we can because we are capable of providing support in many different ways,” said CEO Neil Harding.