Queensland’s Children’s Hospital Refurb Complete Through ‘Soft Landings’ Approach
ADCO is incredibly proud to have achieved practical completion at (QCH) Queensland Children’s Hospital on Monday, a full week ahead of schedule via a ‘soft landings’ approach – a first for Queensland Health.
The ‘soft landings’ approach meant the transition from construction to occupation was seamless, reducing post-PC client time before going live from weeks to a day.
Within 24 hours after PC the 29-bed orthopaedic and neurosurgical ward was fully operational and running at capacity with nurses trained, storerooms stocked, internal communications up and running, monitors and patient entertainment commissioned early, and all medical consumables stored and ready to go.
On top of this considerable achievement, an official opening by the QLD Health Minister Yvette D’Ath saw the ribbon cut with a young patient in front of media. The Level 12 ward will now ensure the hospital meets the state’s growing demand for children’s specialist services.
We are delighted that the new facility is ready to provide a happy and safe place for vulnerable children over Christmas! Well done team.