Smoking ceremony and KARI award won as Sydney staff return to office
ADCO’s Sydney staff were welcomed back to the office with a smoking ceremony and celebration barbeque.
Our staff welcomed Leslie McLeod, a Yuin, Dharawal and Ngarigo custodian and loreman to perform the smoking ceremony, in which the office premises and staff were smoked and cleansed, to welcome everyone back to the office.
Les also taught ADCO staff some Aboriginal culture, language and history from the North Sydney area, which is well-known to be rich in Aboriginal history. Staff say that it was a very enriching experience.
We invited KARI CEO Casey Ralph and staff members Cain Slater and Troy Dargan along for the ceremony, after which we handed over 15 repurposed laptops for underprivileged Aboriginal children and families. Former NRL player and KARI Foundation Head of partnerships Beau Champion also joined us on the day and gratefully received the laptops.
ADCO was also honoured to win the ‘Generating Change in Local Communities’ award at the KARI ‘Thank You’ dinner last week. We are incredibly excited to continue partnering with KARI to help build brighter futures for Aboriginal families and young people.