Team ADCO rides to raise money for homeless youth
Last Friday, Team ADCO participated in the annual Tour de PIF charity ride in the beautiful hilly terrain of the Yarra Valley, Victoria.
It was terrific to see such large numbers of ADCO staff from all different parts of the business, coming together and getting back on the bike for a great cause. Our team raised $5,000 and overall, the event generated $112,000 for youth homelessness.
This year’s Tour de PIF was the first mass corporate sporting event Victoria has seen for a long time and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We are pleased to report that ADCO won the team hill climb category with four members over the line first.
Tour de PIF raises money for Property Industry Foundation’s House Program, a charity that builds homes for at-risk and homeless young people, providing support to rebuild young lives.
Well done Team ADCO!